Project realization

The administrative management will manage the collected budget, according to the following steps.

Given that HP acquires part of the shares of the proposing company as well as reserving a presence in the governance (e.g. mayor or member of the BoD, etc.):

  1. The ownership of the asset or project financed by the TM community, will be subject to a retention of title or similar agreement, by HP, according to the laws in force in the place where the company and/or the asset is located, until the actual realization of the financed good or service and/or the actual remuneration of the disbursed capital.

  2. The budget will be entrusted to the proposer based on work progress status (advanced or postponed).

  3. For each work progress status, the proposer will have to report on the effective execution of the financed phase. (any discrepancies must be justified and evaluated).

  4. Each correct reporting will unlock the disbursement of the next work progress status until the end of the project.

  5. All the documentation relating to the reporting of the project implementation phases and their conclusion, including the returns that will be distributed, will be visible by individual investors on a reserved web page, in order to guarantee maximum transparency and raise the reputation of TM and HP.

Last updated