Mission & Projects

The projects are born as solutions to urgent needs that must be satisfied for the fulfillment of the mission.

The mission is to invite people to unite, to understand and wisely adopt new technologies, in order to organize themselves to create projects that improve the general conditions on a psycho, physical, economic, social and environmental levels; due to the urgency to build the Society of the Future and welcoming all those who resonate, and want to commit themselves by making their knowledge, skills and experiences available for the good of all.

These are the Key points:

The creation of a new monetary, banking and financial system.

Money is corrupt and manipulated, the current system is obsolete. Centralization, the uncontrolled issuance of money and debt, inflation, non-ownership, CBDCs (and so on and so forth), require the conception of a new nature of the economic system.

The structuring of a new Governance System.

Governments are corrupt and manipulated, while Community projects are managed following the principle of Decentralization, conceiving new dynamics that allow the participation of countless people in the creation, development and management of the apparatuses.

Possession of our data.

Data and the information are corrupted and manipulated. Regaining possession of personal data, exchanging informations in a safe and secure way, avoiding possible censorship are fundamental components and dynamics of the Harmonious Paradise system.

The supply of land on a global scale.

The richest and most influential people on earth, the biggest hedge funds etc. are incorporating land into their portfolios; this is the beginning of neo-latifondism. Reclaiming land and making use of it in line with the Community's objectives is crucial.

The self-production of goods necessary for the Community.

Self-production represents a gateway to a general change, in terms of self-sufficiency, critical consumption, union and implementation of small and large sustainability actions. A community that has everything, needs anything and if something is needed then it will be self-produced.

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