
These are the main underlying assets of NATURA:

The underlying 999 Investment Gold is created through the Underlying Fee.

The gold is held in the vault of an international Swiss gold institute.

It will represent a form of guarantee in order to access to lines of credit and obtain liquidity that can be used in multiple ways that benefit NATURA and its holders.

The data about the amount of gold hold will be published every month.

Let's assuming there are:

  • 3 million NATURA in circulation

  • $ 4.5 million as capitalization of the NFTs collections

  • $ 1.5 million of 999 investment gold

  • $ 0.5 million of BTC

Then the value of the NATURA would never fall below:

(4,5MLN marketcap NFTs + 1,5MLN gold + 0.5MLN BTC) ÷ 3MLN NATURA = 2.16 $

(NFTs collections capitalization + Gold capitalization + bitcoin capitalization) / Natura circulating supply

In one way or another, the underlying assets grow and the value of NATURA is sustained by the constantly increasing the minimum support.



No underlying assets

USD Tether

Fiat Currency deposit, commercial papers


Gold fiduciary deposit, Real value NFTs Collections Marketcap, BTC, other relevant miscellaneous assets

Last updated