Project evaluation

The projects candidates to be listed on TERRAMATER will have to follow the steps specified below:

  1. Project presentation according to the pitch model;

  2. The commission will evaluate the project and, if it deems it advantageous and suitable for the TM community, will submit it to the Board of Directors (BoD);

  3. The BoD will decide the admissibility or non-admissibility of the project, on the basis of objective and reasoned assessments relating to sustainability, compliance with the purposes and values ​​of Harmonious Paradise, as well as measurable benefits for the community of TERRAMATER investors. These indices will be used by the BoD as priority parameters for the composition of the project activation calendar;

In the event of a favorable resolution, Terramater NFTs holders will vote which of the proposed projects have the priority and after the election, the project will be entrusted to the project management who will define the work team, the objectives and the budget;

Then the Marketing Team will prepare the launch for the collection and will manage the presentations until the closing of the budget.

Last updated