Burn & Re-Allocaton Fee


It is acting on the buyer's NATURA amount received after the purchase.

The amount of NATURA received is reduced by 4%:

  • The 75% of this 4%, equal to 3%, is eliminated from circulation through a classic "burning".

  • The remaining 25% ​​is used to be reallocated in NATURA's supply intended for the distribution protocol of the coin in the specific wallet containing the P.o.NFT supply.

Ex: The buyer buy 100 NATURE. 96 will be the amount of NATURA token in the buyer's wallet, 3 NATURA will be burned and 1 NATURA will return to the dedicated P.o.NFT supply.

The more NATURA is bought, the greater the volume burned (eliminated); therefore the more the circulation decreases, the more there is scarcity. The direct consequence of scarcity is that the value of the token increases with the same capitalization. At the same time the P.o.NFT supply never ends because of the Re-Allocation Fee.

The percentage fee can be changed through votes if needed. It can be less and it cannot exceed the 8%. At the beginning it will be 4%. Even the splitting BURN and RE-ALLOCATION percentages can be changed through votes if needed.

Last updated