Ezio Angelozzi

Co-founder of Harmonious paradise and the APOTROPOS international foundation, entrepreneur and marketing and sales expert, trainer and specialized coach thanks to over 20 years of important collaborations with recognized professionals from different sectors;

Founder of Trasforma Academy and co-creator of the exclusive Transforma Method, which has enabled thousands of professionals and entrepreneurs to achieve surprising personal, professional and economic growth. He has successfully managed training courses for companies, professionals, politicians and law enforcement agencies. Creator of the exclusive AIS sales technique, based on a completely innovative approach, linked to natural behavioral models instead of verbal ones.

Author of the book "Salary seriously harms happiness" published by Europa Edizioni.

As a business coach he follows companies both in Italy and in Switzerland, producing significant increases in turnover and profits. Always inclined to innovation and the dissemination of unconventional solutions, he supports and participates in various projects in the fields of crypto currencies, complementary currencies and organizations dedicated to improving the human condition.

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