Underlying Fee


It is the fee acting on the seller's $ amount received after selling NATURA.

The amount of stablecoin received is reduced by 4%:

  • The 75% of this 4%, equal to 3%, is allocated in the Gold treasury wallet and used to buy 999 investment gold which acts from that moment on as the underlying of NATURA.

  • The remaining 25% ​​is allocated in the BTC treasury wallet and used to buy BTC which acts from that moment on as the underlying of NATURA, and which is sold and converted once again into 999 investment gold when its value equals that of the underlying gold.

Ex: NATURA is worth 1$ and the owner liquidates 100 NATURE. 96$ will be the amount of FIAT currency in the wallet, 3$ will be converted into 999 investment gold and placed as underlying asset, 1$ will be converted into BTC and placed as underlying asset; (total underlying assets = 4$). In case the 1$ in BTC will worth 3$ then it will be converted into 999 investment gold and placed as underlying asset; (total underlying assets = 6$).

The more NATURA is convert into FIAT currency or stablecoin, the more underlying in 999 investment gold and BTC is generated. The more BTC appreciates and equals the gold reserves, the greater the quantity of the conversion of such BTC amount in 999 investment gold.

The percentage fee can be changed through votes if needed. It can be less and it cannot exceed the 8%. At the beginning it will be 4%. Even the splitting Gold and BTC percentages can be changed through votes if needed.

Last updated